Monday, October 25, 2010

Superior Service

Our services involve anything having to do with a solid web presence. We can start from scratch and design a new website that is visually stunning, easy to use and found easily on search engines, host it and maintain it for you.

How much hosting bandwidth do you need?

After reading my previous post about bandwidth, one might ask “how much bandwidth do I need?” Indeed,
With that being said, it explains why web hosting companies are racing to provide better bandwidth offer in order to win market segment. In fact some web hosts are doing more than just offering large bandwidth capacity – they offer *unlimited* bandwidth.

Virtual Dedicated Servers

CincyStreet Design takes the uncertainty out of web hosting - and puts service, performance and value back in. Regardless of which web hosting type or plan you choose, your site receives 24/7 maintenance and protection in our world-class data center.

Web hosting basics

The World Wide Web is quite a new place for everyone who puts his first step here. Every person that is willing to have a successful “relation” with this environment should first do some deep analyzes related to this matter. That also applies for those who are in search for a web hosting plan.
Next, there is the shared hosting. This service is quite common among small and medium businesses, as well as among personal websites. The costs vary a lot from as low as ₤1/month to even ₤15-₤20 monthly. The “shared host” term comes from the fact that one single server is used by a large number of websites, so that all its features are distributed to every single user. With more sites added to the server, the performance, bandwith and other features are going down.

Saturday, October 2, 2010